Individual Coaching
Getting assignments from a non-analytical manager? Requests from non-technical department colleagues?
AC&C offer experience, encouragement, and execution plans to navigate early career data and analytics work. Communication and collaboration are key aspects of working in data and analytics that many analysts don’t get exposure to in education or early career. AC&C knows this and offers shortcuts, advice, and techniques to coalesce your tech skills to business culture.

You’ve been promoted, are nearing quarter or mid-career progression and now are managing people or will be. How do you balance workloads, talents, and personalities, all the while executing on deliverables?
AC&C will emphasize people, planning, and patience to provide guidance on tactical execution, teaching methods, respect, and accountability. Learn how to socialize and evangelize and become a voice with other parts of the organization. Regardless of analytics background or function AC&C provides its clients the ability to translate back and forth between business and tech to communicate and execute effectively and efficiently.
What is a data strategy? How do I make decisions in the face of incomplete data or analysis?
AC&C coaches executives regardless of analytics or data background who have “bought in” to data and analytics. You are the data champions and sponsors who have built up intuition about the business. Your “experience is data” and makes a perfect complement to new tools, technologies and skillsets modern analytics employ. We also confront decision making under uncertainty and how using data and analytics methods, even without the presence of data can result in a more robust, defensible, and reliable decision making.

Use our expertise and experience as a resource
Let us not only create , execute and deliver actionable analysis and invaluable insights. This is us doing the work timely and effectively to get you moving to where you want to be faster.
Analytics Coaching and Consulting Content

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”